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Portfolio Development.


Using a platform where you can gather and record your experiences is essential when planning for your career. The portfolio not only stores examples of learning and skills development, it also  highlights areas where you  found to be of most value to you and will give you an indication of your personal and professional interests.


This can be electronic or paper; pictorial; a reflection; and evidence of work you have done as a student (workbooks, assignments, videos, clinical feedback materials and testimonials).  Remember that the focus is on learning.  What you have learnt and how you have learnt is important to your futuer employer. 


Types of Portfolios


A portfolio can be in many forms. it can be:

  • a hand or type written record; where examples and samples of  experiences are stored or files. 

  • a purposefully developed software package designed specifically for recording workbased experiences and professional development 

  • a generic blog site or similar where records and examples of learning can be archived and accessed at a later date. 


Preparing for your Transition

Early Career Planning

Registration Processes 

Web site Author & Administrator: Dr Helen Donovan SFHEA. (RN,RM, CHN. PhD, MEd, MEd, FCNA, ACM) 

University Lecturer: Health Services in Nursing & Midwifery specialty. . 



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